Job Information
City of Spokane Community Justice Counselor in Spokane, Washington
The City of Spokane is hiring a Community Justice Counselor to guide misdemeanant defendants and probationers through the Spokane Municipal Court system.
This description was prepared to indicate the kinds of activities and levels of work difficulty required of positions in this class. It is not intended as a complete list of specific duties and responsibilities.
- Conducts assessments and investigations of misdemeanant clients from pre-trial through post-sentence stages. Gathers and evaluates facts obtained through interviews and research for inclusion in client reports.
- Performs social investigations and interviews of clients, relatives, employers, members of social agencies and others.
- Interviews references and crime victims to gather and verify information related to release conditions at any stage of the court process.
- Researches and gathers information related to clients, including but not limited to employment history, educational background, previous arrest records, and family and community ties.
- Identifies client needs in areas such as behavioral health services, housing, and employment. Assesses availability and relevance of community and state resources. Develops individual case plans for implementation.
- Testifies and recommends in administrative and judicial hearings regarding resource and treatment options for defendants, community safety concerns, and incarceration decisions.
- Provides information to clients on court processes and procedures, conditions attached to pre-trial release or probation, and available community services.
- Coordinates the introduction of defendants to appropriate community services.
- Offers warrant prevention and resolution services to defenders to reduce missed court dates. Assists defendants who have failed to appear in navigating warrant recall procedures or self-surrender steps to the court.
- Completes electronic monitoring intake duties for individuals as ordered by the court, including but not limited to explaining responsibilities to defendants, obtaining signatures for agreements, testing for drug and alcohol, collecting data, and installing related equipment.
- Monitors and maintains records of placement and attendance for those ordered by the court to participate in treatment, community service, and other specialized programs such as electronic home monitoring and day reporting as an alternative to incarceration.
- Analyzes location and alcohol monitoring data and reports to judicial officers regarding defendant compliance with the terms and conditions of release.
- Maintains case records, prepares reports, and conducts correspondence related to assignments.
- Meets with federal, state, and local law enforcement, judicial officers, service agencies, educators, and other community justice partners.
Performs related work as required.
Combinations of education and experience that are equivalent to the following minimum qualifications are acceptable. Open-Entry Requirements:
- *Education: *Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university in sociology, psychology, criminal justice, or related field; and
- Experience: One year of experience as a probation caseworker, detention/correction officer, law enforcement officer, or a closely related position.
Licenses and Certifications:
- Possession of a valid driver's license or evidence of equivalent mobility, to be maintained throughout employment.
- Completion of the Washington State Misdemeanant Probation Counselor Academy within twelve months of appointment.
Background Investigation:
All applicants are subject to a thorough background investigation, including criminal his