Job Information
Bridging Care Care Coordinator in Snohomish, Washington
[Job description]{noto="" sans";="" font-weight:="" bold;="" color:="" rgba(45,="" 45,="" 1)"=""}
[ ]{noto="" sans";="" font-weight:="" bold;="" color:="" rgba(89,="" 89,="" 1)"=""}
[Hiring for Washington State -- Snohomish, Kitsap, & Pierce County]{noto="" sans";="" font-weight:="" bold;="" font-style:="" italic;="" color:="" rgba(89,="" 89,="" 1)"=""}
[EMAIL RESUME FOR CONSIDERATION to; PLEASE PUT IN SUBJECT LINE WHICH COUNTY YOU RESIDE IN FOR IMMEDIATE RESPONSE. ]{noto="" sans";="" font-weight:="" bold;="" color:="" rgba(89,="" 89,="" 1)"=""}
[ ]{noto="" sans";="" font-weight:="" bold;="" color:="" rgba(89,="" 89,="" 1)"=""}
[We are an Equal Opportunity Employer]{noto="" sans";="" font-style:="" italic;="" color:="" rgba(89,="" 89,="" 1)"=""}
[ ]{noto="" sans";="" font-style:="" italic;="" color:="" rgba(89,="" 89,="" 1)"=""}
[About Us]{noto="" sans";="" font-weight:="" bold;="" font-style:="" italic;="" color:="" rgba(89,="" 89,="" 1)"=""}
[Bridging Care was created as a joint venture between two 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations: Washington Academy of International Medical Graduates (WAIMG) and Angels for Angels. The joint venture's goal was to create an environment where diverse patients could direct their healthcare. We utilize our team members and include partnerships that strengthen the fabric of what we stand for as an organization: a world where health equity is celebrated through whole patient care. It is through these partnerships that we strive to empower the community we serve. We track and define our success through outcomes that lift barriers, create access, and address community-identified needs.]{noto="" sans";="" color:="" rgba(89,="" 89,="" 1)"=""}
[ ]{noto="" sans";="" color:="" rgba(89,="" 89,="" 1)"=""}
[Overview As a Care Coordinator]{noto="" sans";="" font-weight:="" bold;="" font-style:="" italic;="" color:="" rgba(89,="" 89,="" 1)"=""}
[You will act in a liaison role with clients to ensure appropriate care is accessed as well as to provide the necessary community resources. You wi ]{noto="" sans";="" color:="" rgba(89,="" 89,="" 1)"=""}