Work in Washington Veterans Jobs

Job Information

EMPLOYMENT SECURITY DEPT Vegetable Harvest Crew/ Equipo de cosecha de vegetales in Sequim, Washington

This H-2A job opportunity is limited to qualified, available workers that are?currently?eligible to work in the United States, per federal regulation. 

Job Description  

Workers will be required to perform a variety of duties related to the general farming operations

Vegetable greens bunching experience with kale, collards, and/or chart. Applicants must be able to furnish verbal or written statement establishing relevant prior work experience. We are looking for employees to assist us in general farm work labor. Must be able to lift/carry 40 lbs.

+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This job requires a minimum of 3 months of vegetable greens bunching | | experience with kale, | | | | collards, and/or chart. Applicants must be able to furnish verbal or | | written statement | | | | establishing relevant prior work experience. We are looking for | | employees to assist us in | | | | general farm work labor. Must be able to lift/carry 40 lbs. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Work Tasks: | | | | Workers will be required to perform a variety of duties related to | | the general farming operations | | | | Vegetable greens bunching experience with kale,collards, and/or | | chart. Applicants must be able to furnish verbal or written statement | | establishing relevant prior work experience. We are looking for | | employees to assist us in general farm work labor. Must be able to | | lift/carry 40 lbs. | | | | Tareas de trabajo: | | | |  Se requerirá que los trabajadores realicen una variedad de tareas | | relacionadas con las operaciones agrícolas generales. | | | | Experiencia de agrupamiento de verduras con col rizada, coles y/o | | carta. Los solicitantes deben poder proporcionar una declaración | | verbal o escrita que establezca experiencia laboral previa relevante. | | Buscamos empleados que nos ayuden en el trabajo agrícola en general. | | Debe poder levantar/transportar 40 libras. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+

Employer will accept referrals until: 08/24/2025

How to Apply/Request a Referral 

This employer has asked WorkSource to refer only fully qualified applicants for this job. If you would like to request a referral, please contact any WorkSource office for detailed instructions on how to apply.  

Job order:  286625039

? WorkSource/The Employment Security Department is an equal opportunity employer/program.? Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. 

Este empleador le ha pedido a WorkSource que refiera solo a solicitantes completamente calificados para este trabajo. Si desea solicitar una referencia, comuníquese con cualquier oficina de WorkSource para obtener instrucciones detalladas sobre cómo presentar la solicitud. *Numero de Orden: * 286625039

WorkSource/El Departamento de Seguridad del Empleo es un empleador/programa que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades. Las ayudas y servicios auxiliares están disponibles a pedido para personas con discapacidades.

Washington Relay Services: 711 

?Staff instructions:  Please follow the 25-307 Woodcock Farm, LLC{rel="nofollow"} the side by side checklist, Workers' rights trifold and a copy of the complete job order for inspection. 

In view of the statutorily established basic function of the ES as a no-fee labor exchange, that is, as a forum for bringing together employers and job seekers, neither the ETA nor the SWAs are guarantors of the accuracy or truthfulness of information contained on job orders submitted by employers. Nor does any job or
