Work in Washington Veterans Jobs

Job Information

Idaho Department of Labor Farm workers/Laborers in Selah, Washington

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Consultant, please conduct seated interview. Period of intended Employment: 3/1/2024-11/30/2024. Location: Burbank , Washington. Applicant \"MUST HAVE\" 3 months of experience .Job Duties: This is a job description for general farm labor. Crops: Apples, cherries, and grapes (trees and vines). THINNING: Thinning is a manual process used to control the size and quality of fruit. Laborers will use their hands or small tools to remove blossoms, buds, or small fruit from within clusters. Laborers must be able to visually identify and remove fruit that is misshapen, damaged or has other quality problems, as directed by supervisors. Thinning may be performed from a motorized platform, from a 1012-foot ladder the employee erects, or from the ground. The Laborer must possess the ability to pick up, carry, erect, and climb a ladder up to 10-12 feet in length, weighing up to 40 pounds, to perform the work. Worker must possess 3 months of tree fruit experience. TRAINING: Training is a process in which the tree branches are tied to a trellis wire using tape or wire, or clipped to the ground, or otherwise shaped using spreaders or other small wood and metal tools. Specific examples of training activities are as follows: Tying, taping, or clipping apple/cherry limbs and grapevines to wires or tapes. Tying up or down apple/cherry limbs and grapevines using string or tape. Training and limb positioning of apple/cherry trees and grapevines. Scoring limbs with a blade near a bud to help promote branching. Shoot thinning, sucker removal, cluster thinning, shoot positioning, hedging, or leaf removal. Propping and supporting apple/cherry trees and grapevines. Training may be performed from a motorized platform, from a 10-12 foot ladder the employee erects, or from the ground. The Laborer must possess the ability to pick up, carry, erect, and climb a ladder up to 10-12 feet in length, weighing up to 40 pounds, to perform the work. PRUNING: Pruning is the act of removing vegetative material from the tree to promote growth, remove excess foliage and branching, or allow for increased sunlight. Specific pruning methods vary between crops (apples cherries grapes) and between varieties. Laborers will use various tools and techniques to prune away vegetative leaves and branches using hand shears, hand loppers, other loppers, clippers, hand saws, pole saws, chain saws or other sharp handheld implements. Laborers will be required to selectively prune only trees or grapevines of a certain size and/or color as instructed by the crew supervisor. Laborers will be required to selectively prune individual branches or vines meeting specific criteria such as size, color, growing direction, position on tree, position to sun, broken branches, branches which rub each other or the trellis structure, branches which are shading the trees interior, dead wood, and shoots or suckers as instructed by a crew supervisor. Laborers are expected to possess or acquire skills to identify branches or vines to be pruned and how to use pruning tools effectively and safely. Pruning may be performed from a motorized platform, from a 10-12 foot ladder the employee erects, or from the ground. The Laborer must possess the ability to pick up, carry, erect, and climb a ladder up to 12-feet in length, weighing up to 40 pounds, to perform the work. HARVESTING: The prevailing practice in the industry is pay piece rate for hand harvesting of apples, cherries, and grapes. Laborers will prepare for harvest and harvest tree and vine fruits. Some harvest activities may be performed at night or in pre-dawn hours, depending on weather conditions. Load and unload empty bins by hand and place them in an orchard or vineyard. Distribute bins in fields using tractors and / or trailers and rolling bins by hand in orchard blocks and on roads. Install reflective materials to orchard rows. a. Harvesting by hand (apples): i. Laborers will select and pick fruit by hand and carefully handle it based on guidelines set for each crop or variety. ii. Hand harvesters may be required to selectively pick only fruit of a certain color and/or size as instructed by the supervisor. iii. Hand harvesters will be required to handle fruit carefully and not bruise or damage fruit when it is placed in the bin. iv. Observation of bruised, damaged, or out-of-specification fruit by the supervisor will result in a bad bin mark and after three bad bin marks, the employees will receive disciplinary action up to and including termination. A bad bin mark occurs when a bin is inspected and a significant number of culls, bruised or damaged are found by the supervisors. HARVESTING CONTINUED: Apple and cherry harvest may be performed from a motorized platform, from a 1012-foot ladder the employee erects, or from the ground. Grape harvest activities may be performed while sitting or standing on a mechanical harvester. The Laborer must possess the ability to pick up, carry, erect, and climb a ladder up to 12-feet in length, weighing up to 40 pounds, to perform the work. Fruit Stripping: Strip all fruitlets to the ground from pre- productive blocks or designated areas. GENERAL ORCHARD: 1. C
