Job Information
Tahoma Advisory Group Client Relations Associate in Puyallup, Washington
[Job Announcement - Client Relationship Associate]{segoe="" ui="" semibold";="" font-weight:="" normal;="" color:="" rgba(192,="" 0,="" 1)"=""}
{height="1" width="619"}[ ]{segoe="" ui="" semilight""=""}
[Tahoma Advisory Group, Puyallup, WA]{segoe="" ui="" semilight""=""}
[Position (Salary):]{segoe="" ui="" semilight""=""}[ ]{segoe="" ui="" semilight""=""}[ $23 - $25 hourly (negotiable based on the right person and skill set.)]{segoe="" ui="" semilight""=""}
[In-office Hours:]{segoe="" ui="" semilight""=""}[ ]{segoe="" ui="" semilight""=""}[ Mon -- Thurs:]{segoe="" ui="" semilight""=""}[ ]{segoe="" ui="" semilight""=""}[ 8:30 am -- 4:00 pm; Fri:]{segoe="" ui="" semilight""=""}[ ]{segoe="" ui="" semilight""=""}[ 8:30 am -- 2:00 pm]{segoe="" ui="" semilight""=""}
[]{segoe="" ui="" semilight";="" text-decoration:="" underline;="" color:="" rgba(5,="" 99,="" 193,="" 1)"=""}{rel="nofollow"}
[For the right person, this is the perfect job! Here is why:]{segoe="" ui="" semilight""=""}
- [Working with a really great team of people that are authentic in serving a group of clients we all love! ]{segoe="" ui="" semilight""=""}
- [We understand and consistently practice high client service, and we are highly committed to upholding that standard.]{segoe="" ui="" semilight""=""}
- [Great pay and benefits.]{segoe="" ui="" semilight""=""}
- [If you've got the right capabilities to get your job done well, you can work 33 hours weekly and get paid for 40 hours.]{segoe="" ui="" semilight""=""}
- [Life balance benefit considerations:]{segoe="" ui="" semilight""=""}