Work in Washington Veterans Jobs

Job Information

MAYTAG AIRCRAFT CORP. Truck Driver class A\B with Hazmat and tanker Endorsement in OAK HARBOR, Washington{rel="nofollow"}


Welcome to Maytag Aircraft      

+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Maytag Aircraft Corporation is a U.S. Government services contractor, | | providing valuable and essential operations and maintenance services | | ranging from aircraft refueling and air terminal and ground handling | | to base operating support and weather observation and forecasting at | | multiple international and domestic locations. | | | | The mission of Maytag Aircraft is to provide the best in contract | | services in support of U.S. Government operations worldwide, ensuring | | on time delivery to the highest quality standards at a fair and | | reasonable price. | | | | Headquartered in Colorado Springs, Colorado, Maytag Aircraft services | | contracts that span the globe from Asia, Europe and the Mediterranean | | area to North and South America. Today, Maytag Aircraft is a major | | provider of aircraft refueling services and air terminal and ground | | handling services for the U.S. Department of Defense's Defense | | Energy Support Center and the Air Force Air Mobility Command. The | | Company often provides air terminal and ground handling support in | | foreign countries to dignitaries ranging from the President of the | | United States, U.S. Congressmen and Cabinet members, to numerous | | foreign diplomats. | | | | Maytag Aircraft Corporation is expanding our global support to | | Refueling Services for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) and Unmanned | | Ground Vehicles (UGV). For the past fifty years Maytag is dedicated | | to supporting conventional surface and air vehicles. The expansion of | | our services to UAV/UGV provides our customers with a proven | | reputable Service Company to support the increasing demand for | | Surface and Air Unmanned Vehicles. | | | | Services: | | | | - Refueling & Base Support | | - Air Terminal & Ground Support | | - Weather Forecasting & Observation | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+


Position:  Driver/System Operator



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Driver/System Operators shall be qualified to perform fuel servicing operations (refuel/defuel) by mobile fuel servicing equipment/trucks, portable pantograph, hose sets, and fixed direct fuel servicing systems (hydrants). A DSO may be required to perform the duties of hot refueling pit operator (deadman control), nozzle operator, or fire watch within a pit operation. Drivers shall be trained in the appropriate use of radio procedures. DSOs shall pass a Contractor administered base and flightline familiarization test, practical equipment/facility competency tests, and shall be certified, by the Contractor, as qualified and the individuals' training records updated prior to the unsupervised operation of any fuel servicing equipment.



All drivers shall be licensed in accordance with he vehicle operating laws, regulations, and codes for the state in which they will operate equipment and shall be/remain in compliance with all such requirements for the duration of their employment under this contract. The Contractor shall ensure that drivers required to operate vehicles and equipment on public roads are licensed for the class of vehicle to be operated on such public roads.


All service personnel who will operate fuel-servicing vehicles on or off station shall hold a current and valid Class, A Commercial Driver's License (CDL) with Hazmat
