Work in Washington Veterans Jobs

Job Information

EMPLOYMENT SECURITY DEPT Seasonal Nursery Labor in Mount Vernon, Washington

This job opportunity is limited to qualified, available workers that are [currently]{.underline} eligible to work in the United States, per federal regulation.

Work Tasks to Be Performed Specifically for This Job:

* *

This is a job description for field grown production, harvest, culture and care of nursery grown products. You'll typically be exposed to Dust, Dirt, Heat, and Cold, Fumes, Noise, Vibration and water. Physically expect to be

Lifting, Pulling, Reaching, Manipulating/Grasping, Carrying, Pushing, Shoveling, Bending, Twisting, Climbing and Squatting.

All tasks in this job description constitute one job; the employer may assign workers to different tasks on any day or to multiple tasks during the same day. Employees must perform the assigned work, and may not perform

duties not included herein or work in areas not assigned without the specific authorization of the manager or supervisor.

Job Requirements

3  months of previous work experience


Willing to commit to the entire contract period


Meet all qualifications of the clearance order


Be able, willing and qualified to perform the work


Willing to work in extreme temperature


Able to lift 50 lbs. repeatedly throughout the day


Willing to make repetitive movements


Extensive pushing and pulling


Extensive walking and stooping


Must anticipate being available to work on the start date and through the period of the contract Must be able to perform all duties within this job description in what can be considered a safe manner adhering to all established orchard safety guidelines, practices and procedures. Must wear all required and assigned personal protective equipment at all times when required to do so. Worker must wear proper clothing and footwear depending on the season. All footwear must be closed-toed and durable due to safety precautions. The Employer or designated worker will provide instructions and general supervision. Workers will be expected to conform to the specific instructions given for each day's work.

Pay 19.82 per hour

Esta oportunidad de trabajo está limitada a trabajadores calificados y disponibles que [actualmente]{.underline} son elegibles para trabajar en los Estados Unidos, según la regulación federal.

Tareas laborales que se realizarán específicamente para este trabajo:

Plantar, cultivar, regar y cosechar cultivos, incluidos patatas, coles de Bruselas y cereales. Conducir y operar equipos agrícolas utilizados en la producción agrícola, como tractores y cosechadoras. Conecte implementos agrícolas como arados, discos y taladros a los tractores y conduzca tractores en el campo para labrar la tierra, plantar y rociar cultivos. Mezcle materiales o productos químicos específicos y vierta soluciones, polvos o semillas en maquinaria sembradora o pulverizadora. Ajustar, reparar y dar servicio a la maquinaria agrícola y notificar a los supervisores cuando la maquinaria funcione mal.

Conduce camiones para transportar cultivos y semillas, desde los campos hasta los edificios de almacenamiento en la granja.

Requerimientos para el trabajo

Requisitos de trabajo

3 meses de experiencia laboral previa.

 Dispuesto a comprometerse durante todo el período del contrato.

Cumplir con todos los requisitos de la orden de autorización.

 Ser capaz, dispuesto y calificado para realizar el trabajo.

 Dispuesto a trabajar en temperaturas extremas.

Capaz de levantar 50 libras. repetidamente a lo largo del día

 Dispuesto a hacer movimientos repetitivos.

