Work in Washington Veterans Jobs

Job Information

EMPLOYMENT SECURITY DEPT Farm Worker, X92, Harrah, Wapato in Harrah, Washington

[Farm Worker, X92, Harrah, Wapato]{times="" new="" roman";="" font-weight:="" bold"=""}

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[This is a job order for field work and labor for growing and maintaining hops and grapes.]{times="" new="" roman""=""}

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[This job opportunity is limited to qualified, available workers that are ]{times="" new="" roman";="" font-weight:="" bold"=""}[currently]{times="" new="" roman";="" font-weight:="" bold;="" text-decoration:="" underline"=""}[ eligible to work in the United States, per federal regulation.]{times="" new="" roman";="" font-weight:="" bold"=""}

[Crops/Commodities:]{times="" new="" roman""=""}

[Hops, Grapes]{times="" new="" roman""=""}

[JOB DUTIES:]{times="" new="" roman";="" font-weight:="" bold"=""}

[Twine hop fields, plant by hand potted hop plants, hand weed grape fields, pre-hop harvest equipment and facilities cleaning and preparation, hand train hop shoots onto the string (training), hand weed hop fields.]{times="" new="" roman""=""}

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[Twining hop fields: The strings that the hop plants travel up during the growing season are new every year. A crew of 7 to 8 workers will hang and clip these new strings every spring. This job consists of the tiers (2 to 3 workers) and clippers (usually 5 workers). The tiers will tie, by hand, the new strings to the row wires. The clippers will push the bottom of the newly hung hop strings into the ground in the middle of the hop plants. A clip gun and clips are used to do this. This job requires a considerable amount of walking. Sufficient work footwear is required, since the stings are attached at the bottom by using the clip gun, which is pushed into the ground by the workers foot. Every crew of 7 to 8 workers must contain at least one crew supervisor/manager for safety and Double R policy reasons.]{times="" new="" roman""=""}

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[Plant, by hand, potted hop plants: There are several ways of planting new hop fields. One way is by using potted hop plants. They must be planted by hand. This job consists of hauling the pots to the field, spreading them out in the correct area, and hand planting them.]{times="" new="" roman""=""}
